Colonial District November 2022 Newsletter


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Colonial District Newsletter
November 2022



2022 Scouting for Food Update

We hope everyone’s Scouting for Food bag distribution went smoothly yesterday. Next Saturday 11/12 is food collection! Please wait until after 9am to begin collecting the bags in your unit’s assigned territory. If possible, we encourage you to publicize the bag collection on social media (Facebook, Next Door, etc.) with a reminder to have the donations set out in a visible location prior to 9am Saturday.
Two food donation collection sites will be open for drop-offs from 9:00am—1:30pm at the following locations on 11/12: 

Colonial District Collection Site:
STU Import/Export
(* aka The Colonial District Popcorn Warehouse *)
5105 Patch Rd
Orlando, Fl 32822
Alternate Collection Site Option:
Second Harvest Food Bank
411 Mercy Drive
Orlando, FL 32805

Please try to drop off at the STU Import/Export as Colonial District will not have a representative stationed at Second Harvest to record your number of bags. If you find it necessary to drop off at Second Harvest, please email/text Kelli Chou with the number of ~7 pound bags your Unit collected.
Thank you in advance to those who have volunteered to help out at the Colonial District collection site. Please stick around to help when you drop your collected items.

Additionally, we will need volunteers from each of the areas to act as runners to pick up bags that were not collected.  (This typically happens because they were not set out in time.)  We will reach out to each of you individually should that be needed.  Please have at least one runner identified. Those bags may be take to Second Harvest or any food pantry you prefer.
Lastly, be sure to log your Unit’s service hours in Scoutbook Internet Advancement. Step-by-step instructions provided further down in this newsletter. 
Thank you for everything you do!  Together we will make a real difference. If you have any questions or need to report number of bags dropped to Second Harvest, please reach out to Kelli Chou at [email protected] or 214-316-7187. 



Recharter is Here!

The November Roundtable on 11/17/22 is the deadline for every unit to submit Recharter paperwork and payment. Please ensure that your unit is on track to complete the recharter process before 11/17 and that the paperwork and payment are submitted at or before the November Roundtable meeting. Please reach out to our Colonial District Executives—Matt Hartigan and Brian Gorman—if you have questions or need any assistance! Who is going to be the first unit in Colonial District to submit their recharter for this year?!



How to Enter SERVICE HOURS in Scoutbook

BSA Units from all programs are requested to record service hours in Scoutbook. This can be done by the Key 3 (CM, CC, COR), Advancement Chair, or someone officially designated as a Key 3 delegate in My.Scouting.org via Organization Manager. Only these positions have access to the Internet Advancement system in which the service hours are to be logged. 

to Scoutbook, https://scoutbook.scouting.org/
Select ‘Internet Advancement’ from the menu. (Note: Only certain positions have access to the Internet Advancement system. If you don’t see ‘Internet Advancement’ you may not have access. See explanation above.)
Select all scouts who have completed a given service activity (checkmark on left of name)
Click ‘Record Progress’ (located on gray bar) and then ‘Service hours’ 
Identify the date of the service project on the calendar, then click ‘Create New Activity.’
Complete the fields for project information, location, and details. 
Indicate amount of participation hours using the ‘basic’ if everyone did the same number of hours. (Basic is usually good enough for cub scouts.) 

Scouts identified in step 3 are included already. 
Estimate number of non-registered participants (siblings and parents) in the fields that request that information.
To include registered leaders, click on ‘Add Person’ in the top right of this page and select the registered leaders’ names from the list. 

Click ‘Record and Finish.’ 



Instructors Still Needed! University of Scouting 2023

University of Scouting is returning to Edgewater High School on Saturday, January 28, 2023! This is a day of teaching, leading, inspiring, and above all fellowship with your fellow scouters across Central Florida.
We are still seeking Instructors to fill the colleges so we may have an amazing, fun-filled day.  Whether you have taught in the past or have never taught before we are hoping that you will want to share your passion with us and we would love to have you teach a course! We are seeking instructors for classes with topics of interest to the following audiences: 

Cub Scout leaders and parents
Youth in Scouts BSA 
Scouts BSA leaders and parents
Venture Crews
General audience

Please don’t delay! Contact Michael Hockman THIS WEEK at [email protected] or 407-920-1884 if you know of a specific topic that you would like to present OR if you are flexible to help out in an area of need. We are hoping to have the catalog of classes ready by November Roundtables (11/17). 

Covid-19 hit a lot of families and units in the past few years which has the University in a place of rebuilding our staff. We really need your support!



Colonial District 
11/17/22 Colonial District Roundtable—November **Recharter**
12/2/22 – 12/4/22 Colonial District Fall Camporee—Journey Through Ancient Egypt
12/3/22 – RESCHEDULED Colonial & Osceola BALOO Training
12/8/22 Colonial District Roundtable—December 
12/10/22 Merit Badge Academy with Kaiser University

Central Florida Council 
11/12/22 Scouting for Food Weekend 2—Bag Pickup
11/18/22 – 11/20/22 Liger Growl
12/2/22 – 12/3/22 Webelos to Scout Transition  
12/9/22 – 12/11/22 Cub Holiday
12/18/22 – 12/21/22 Scouts BSA Winter Camp
12/26/22 – 12/30/22 Nat’l Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
12/27/22 – 12/30/22 Scouts BSA Winter Camp 

Order of the Arrow
Lodge Hadjo Chapter meetings held monthly at Colonial District Round Table. 



More Scouting Events to Know About!

Did you know that Colonial District scouts/units are welcome to attend events hosted by districts throughout the Central Florida Council? Below are some of the upcoming events that your scouts/unit can register for today. More information and registration for each event can be accessed through the council calendar, https://www.cflscouting.org/calendar/

Cub Scouts
11/12/22  Troop 175 AOL Invitational (2-5pm), *Not on council calendar, details and RSVP info on flyer below
11/18/22 – 11/20/22 Timiqua District Cub Family Campout
11/18/22 – 11/20/22 Challenger District Webelos Woods

Scouts BSA
11/18/22 – 11/20/22  Challenger District Fall Camporee – Pioneering
12/9/22 – 12/11/22 Seminole District Camporee – Ancient Civilizations



Opportunity for AOL Scouts!

Note from Troop 175: We appreciate RSVP before the event (to the phone numbers in the flyer), but we will also be prepared to accommodate walk-ins.



Colonial District Roundtable
Next Roundtable: Thursday November 17, 2022 at 7pm

We would like to invite you to the Colonial District Roundtable, which is typically held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at Centre Point Community Church (9580 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825). Doors open for gathering at 6:30pm, and opening flag is at 7pm. Roundtable is a great way for Scout leaders to share ideas, network and get information about our Council and District. Ideally, every unit in our Council should try to have at least one leader attend every month so that you can take what you learn to your Units!

We look forward to seeing everyone at this month’s November Roundtable on 11/17 before the busy holiday season. There are great plans in the works for the November Roundtable...from the OA Grill making their world famous Nachos (pre-order below), to the lively BSA and Cub Breakouts, and fellowship. We can’t wait to hear the results of the Scouting for Food drive or who is the winner for the “Beacon of Light “ for the month of October. Additionally, the November Roundtable meeting is the deadline for every unit to submit Recharter paperwork and payment. Please ensure that your unit representative submits Recharter at or before the November Roundtable meeting. 

The feature topics of program breakout groups are below. Bring your ideas and questions!

Cub Scout Program Breakout: Leader resources; looking ahead to next year
Scouts BSA Program Breakout: Where do I go for scouting information; Fall camporee

Looking ahead to next month…the December Roundtable meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of December—12/8/22. Mark your calendar!

Thank you all for making our Colonial District Roundtable the most attended Roundtable in the Council!! We had a record breaking attendance of 193 people attend Roundtable last month, and we look forward to breaking the barrier of 200 visitors!! Don’t forget bring a friend. If you have any announcements or messages you would like to present or convey please contact   Mike Hockman, Roundtable Chair, [email protected]



Pre-order Dinner from the OA Grill for November Roundtable!

The OA Grill is back in November! We will only be serving from 6:30—7:10, so get it while you can!

Menu and Pricing:
– $5 for Nachos with your choice of beef, chicken, or veggies + a bottle of water
– $1 each for additional snacks
– $1 for soda

Please bring cash payment!

Pre-order your meal here: Meal Pre-Order Form



Colonial District Fall Camporee 2022!

The registration link for the Colonial District Fall Camporee “Journey Through Ancient Egypt” is now LIVE: https://scoutingevent.com/083-2022FallCamporeeJourneyThruAncientEgypt




Colonial District Merit Badge University!

Colonial District is hosting a Merit Badge University on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at Keiser University’s Orlando campus. More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-61106

Merit Badge Counselors are still needed to lead the following classes:
9:30—11:30am: Health Care Professionals, Emergency Preparedness
1:00—3:30pm: Digital Technology, Disabilities Awareness, Fingerprinting, Fire Safety, Emergency Preparedness

If you can fill one of the needs above OR if you can lead a class for adults on Scoutbook (9:30—11:30am), please email Matt Hartigan.



Liger Growl at Camp La-No-Che!

Liger Growl 2022 is coming to Camp La-No-Che the weekend of November 18-20. This safari-themed campout is designed specifically for Lion and Tiger scouts and their families. Day-only option available. More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-ligergrowl



Webelos to Scout Transition Weekend at Camp La-No-Che!

Webelos to Scout Transition Weekend is coming to Camp La-No-Che December 2—3. This event is for Webelos & Arrow of Light Scouts and adults only (only siblings who are in the 4th or 5th grade are permitted) and is designed to help scouts, leaders and their parents get some “hands-on” experieince at the Troop level. All activities are led by Scouts BSA Troops and include skills like camp cooking, fire building, knots & lashings, climbing, the patrol method. There will also be a Scouts BSA information session for parents. More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-WebelostoScoutTransition



Cub Holiday Weekend at Camp La-No-Che!

Cub Holiday Weekend is coming to Camp La-No-Che December 9—11. This event designed for cub scouts and their families will include holidays around the world crafts, BBs and Archery, games, and a few surprises! More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-CubHoliday



2022 Winter Camp at Camp La-No-Che!

Camp La-No-Che is offering two sessions of Winter Camp this year—December 18-21 and December 27-30. There are specific program offerings for new scouts and several Merit Badge classes that are ONLY available at Winter Camp. Provisional Camper Program available for scouts attending without their units. More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-wintercamp



2023 National Jamboree!

If you are considering the National Jamboree, now is the time to take action! The CFC National Jamboree Troops have started meeting. 
For information and link to registration, go to: cfcjambo.com 




International Jamborette 2023 at Camp La-No-Che!



Popcorn Campaign 2022: “Build Your Own Adventure”

Checkout the popcorn page on the CFC website for  information on everything popcorn: https://www.cflscouting.org/popcorn/

If you have questions, contact our Colonial District Popcorn Kernel, Kathy Vickroy, at [email protected].



Your Training Update! Get Trained Today!
With a new Scouting Year come new training needs. School nights are beginning and hundreds of new scout leaders will join our ranks along with thousands of new scouts. Please pass the word to all parents and volunteers that our scouts deserve trained leaders. As unit leaders, imagine a pack, troop, crew, or ship with 100% trained leaders!
Online Training Opportunities. Here is how to get caught up with online training
• Take the online course for your registered position via https://my.scouting.org/. Remember that if you change positions, you need to register for the new role and take the training for that role to be considered “TRAINED.” Visit my.scouting.org for all your online training needs!
• Every leader must be Youth Protection trained. Don’t let it expire!
In-Person Training Opportunities. Trainings offered via online courses are also sometimes offered as in-person trainings. There are other courses (e.g., BALOO, IOLS, etc.) that are ONLY offered in-person. You may attend trainings hosted by Colonial District or any of the other Districts in the Central Florida Council. Some of the offerings are listed below. Visit the Council Training Calendar to see all the training opportunities available within our Council. When you visit the calendar website, click ‘Apply Filter’ and check the box for ‘Training’.

BALOO and IOLS Training Opportunities

IOLS hosted by Eagle Empire District
Fri. 11/11/22, 6pm – Sat. 11/12/22, 6pm
Camp Ithiel, Gotha, FL
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-IOLSEagleEmpireDistrict#

BALOO hosted by Seminole District
Sat. 11/12/22, 8am – Sun. 11/13/22, 11am
Mullet Lake Park, Geneva, FL
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-SeminoleBaloo#

BALOO/IOLS hosted by Lake District 
Sat. 11/19/22, 8am – Sun. 11/20/22, 5pm
Camp La-No-Che, Paisley, FL
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-LAKEDISTRICTFALLIOLSANDBALOOTRAINING#

BALOO hosted by Colonial & Osceola Districts
Sat. 12/3/22, 9am – Sun. 12/4/22, 1pm
Chisholm Park, Chisholm, FL
More information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-ColonialOsceolaDistrictBaloo

Wood Badge Advanced Leadership FOR ADULTS.
By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change. Participants will better learn to understand and appreciate diversity and differences in our society. They will learn skills that will make them a better Scout leader!
Registration is NOW open for the Spring 2023 Wood Badge course!
-Orientation: February 11, 2023 via Virtual meeting, time TBD
-Weekend 1: February 24 – 26, 2023 @ Camp La-No-Che
-Weekend 2: March 18 – 19, 2023 @ Camp La-No-Che

Learn more and register: http://www.cfcwoodbadge.com/

NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) FOR YOUTH

Let it be known to all eligible Lads and Lasses, registration for Winter 2022 National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is LIVE!

NYLT is an exciting, action-packed week designed to provide youth participants with the leadership skills and experiences they can use at home, at school, on the job, and at their Unit level. Youth are eligible to participate if they are at least 13 years of age, registered in ScoutsBSA, Venturing, or Sea Scouting, and meet rank requirements for their program.

For more information and registration: https://scoutingevent.com/083-nyltwinter



District Merit Badge, Nova, SuperNova News!

Udgit Mehta is the Colonial District Merit Badge/Nova/SuperNova Coordinator. All relevant requests to become a Merit Badge Counselor or Nova/SuperNova mentor should be submitted to [email protected]

If your application has been pending for more than one month, please resend a complete package to Udgit at the email listed above with all required components for processing (i.e., Merit Badge or Nova/Supernova form, YPT certificate, BSA adult application including background check authorization form). Thank you! 



Tipisa Lodge Order of the Arrow
Update from the Lodga Hodjo Chapter Chief


Dear Brothers, 

This month we will be having a Friendsgiving gathering, which will be the 17th of November at Centerpoint Community Church 9580 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, FL 32825. More information will come in your emails later.

Scoutmasters, please share this information with you OA Rep so they are able to share it with their troop.

Thank You, 

Mia Lewis 

Lodja Hodjo Chapter Chief 



The Colonial District Monthly Newsletter is published on the first Sunday of each month. If you have announcements to be included in the newsletter, please email your request to [email protected] no later than one week after the previous month’s Roundtable (the fourth Thursday of each month).  



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Colonial District BSA · 1951 S Orange Blossom Trl · Apopka, FL 32703-7747 · USA